Yes the driving distance between Newark to New York is 11 miles It takes approximately 15 min to drive from Newark to New York. The distance between New York and Newark is 9 miles The road distance is 107 miles. Yes the driving distance between Newark to New York City Center is 14 miles It takes approximately 16 min to drive from Newark to New York City Center. There are 886 miles from Newark to New York in east direction and 11 miles 1770 kilometers by car following the US-1 and US-9 route. Its 13 miles or 21 km from Newark New Jersey to New York City which takes about 30 minutes to drive..
Yes the driving distance between Newark to New York is 11 miles It takes approximately 15 min to drive from. There are 886 miles from Newark to New York in east direction and 11 miles 1770 kilometers by car following the US-1. The calculated flying distance from New York City to Newark is equal to 9 miles which is equal to 14 km. The geographic midpoint between Newark and New-York-City is in 442 mi 711 km distance between both points in a. Its 13 miles or 21 km from Newark New Jersey to New York City which takes about 30. The total driving distance from Newark NJ to New York NY is 13 miles or 21 kilometers. The total driving distance from Newark NJ to New York NY is 13 miles or 21 kilometers. The driving distance between Newark and New York City is approximately 16 miles..
Yes the driving distance between Newark to New York is 11 miles It takes approximately 15 min to drive from Newark to New York. The distance between New York and Newark is 9 miles The road distance is 107 miles. Yes the driving distance between Newark to New York City Center is 14 miles It takes approximately 16 min to drive from Newark to New York City Center. There are 886 miles from Newark to New York in east direction and 11 miles 1770 kilometers by car following the US-1 and US-9 route. Its 13 miles or 21 km from Newark New Jersey to New York City which takes about 30 minutes to drive..
Yes the driving distance between Newark to New York is 11 miles It takes approximately 15 min to drive from Newark to New York. The distance between New York and Newark is 9 miles The road distance is 107 miles. Yes the driving distance between Newark to New York City Center is 14 miles It takes approximately 16 min to drive from Newark to New York City Center. There are 886 miles from Newark to New York in east direction and 11 miles 1770 kilometers by car following the US-1 and US-9 route. Its 13 miles or 21 km from Newark New Jersey to New York City which takes about 30 minutes to drive..